Sunday, March 4, 2018


Before we get into today's post let me explain the title. The post is going to be about figuring out the idea for my short film. Except this wasn't as easy as it may same so I did a lot of brainstorming so I was going to name this post Brainstorming but that everyone uses Brainstorming so I started thinking about what I can call this post and then all of a sudden it came to me Conceptualizing.

Before we get any more side tracked let me explain to you what this post is all about. So like I said I was trying to come up with the concept of the short film but this task seemed a bit more difficult than anticipated. So I did what any good filmmaker would do what any good writer would do who has writer's block and I just forgot about all together and then came back to it. Except the only thing this helped was waste time and distract me. So instead I decided research and this actually helped me a lot and helped me look for inspiration in places I never though of looking.

The one tip that really stood out to me was to use bad granddad jokes. Mainly because I would never think of this yet how they explained it makes perfect sense. They said that these jokes have a setup, a story arc and a punch line and all of these part combined can make the whole story. This really helped open my eyes and helped me realize that there is inspiration every where.

The article then moves on to talk about other places in which you can find inspiration and other tips to help you establish your plot without wasting much time being your time is so limited when creating a short film.

Overall, my day consisted of me attempting to conceptualizing although I wasn't all that successful being that I still have no idea what I want my short film to be about. Like not even the slightest so much so that I have no idea what genre I even want the film to be about. So since, I can't enlighten you on this topic I thought I could enlighten you with a shot of the film Call Me By Your Name in honor of today being the Oscars.

Well, I guess that's it and I hope to see you soon and maybe next time I can enlighten you with what my short film will be about.

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