Friday, March 9, 2018

Drum Roll Please.....

Today was an interesting day, so in class my teacher separated us into groups where we each shared our ideas for our projects and we critiqued it. The only problem is that my group spent so much time explaining all of the other projects that we only had 5 minutes for mine so I quickly explained all of the possible plots and although we were rushed they really enjoyed the simulation idea and they helped explain to me some possible problems I might encounter throughout it and it really helped me first of all realize certain problems I might encounter that I hadn't encounter before and it helped also find solutions to all of these problems. Once class ended through I met with my group and one of my other group member's critique groups also liked the stimulation idea but my other team member's critique group preferred another idea so then we decided to ask around our friends to see what they though and we were getting mixed reactions so we were a bit concerned because we were behind schedule!!!! So my other team members decided to go back to my teacher and ask her what she thought and she explained to them how we might be indecisive and my teacher believes that us having to choose a topic might be a good lesson for us to learn how to be more decisive so my group had a mini panic attack but it's ok, cause it's all solved now me and my team members decided to call each other today and go over the possible story plot to our films and finally decide on what film we want to create. So after an hour long conversation we came up with the storyline and plot for the entire film and the story we choose to film was..... THE STIMULATION. 

I know, I know I am very excited as well and although this is may be difficult to convey and we are surely going to be challenging ourselves I am very excited for what can come out of this project.

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